Russia in Pictures Stand with Ukraine

Teaching Kids With Disabilities Smile

Being a child with disabilities in Russia is a big issue. In fact, those kids literally have no chances for a successful and full life. The Russian society gives them no credits. Only a few enthusiasts bring their lives to teach, rehabilitate, love and integrate these children into a “healthy” society. They work for peanuts and every single day fight for the better future of their patients.

There were more than 500,000 children with inborn disabilities in Russia in 2012; but only 600 kid’s rehabilitation centers function for them. One of those centers is located in Blagovar place, Bashkortostan, Russia. Every day its employees teach children how to communicate, serve themselves and even smile.

The center has helped children 4 - 18 years old since 2006. It can serve up to 15 patients at a time. Their goal is to integrate children into the society, make them more confident and independent.

1. The building of the reabilitation center
The building of the reabilitation center
2. Arts therapy is an important part of the treatment.
Arts therapy is an important part of the treatment.
3. Creating snowmen.
Creating snowmen.
6. The caffeteria is pretty small. Girls and boys have their lunch seperately because the room can not fit all patients at a time.
The caffeteria is pretty small. Girls and boys have their lunch seperately because the room can not...
7. Patients live in the center during their treatment. This is a girls' bedroom.
Patients live in the center during their treatment. This is a girls' bedroom.
8. Outdor and indoor activities is an important part of the therapy.
Outdor and indoor activities is an important part of the therapy.

Pictures: aquatek-filips